Girls Bravo


Girls Bravo is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mario Kaneda. It was serialized from 2000 to 2005 in Shōnen Ace by Kadokawa Shoten. The story follows a high school boy who is allergic to girls and gets transported to a mysterious world with mostly female population. The anime adaptation aired from 2004 to 2005 and consists of 24 episodes. The series has been released in English by Geneon and Tokyopop. There is also a visual novel for PlayStation 2. The story revolves around Yukinari Sasaki, a high school student who breaks out in hives upon contact with females. One day, he is transported to a world called Seiren, where he becomes friends with Miharu Sena Kanaka. Miharu follows him back to Earth, and other Seiren girls join their household. They go on various adventures as Miharu explores Earth. The manga has 10 tankōbon volumes and has been released in English by Tokyopop. The anime adaptation was directed by Ei Aoki and produced by AIC Spirits. It aired from July 6, 2004, to September 28, 2004, and has a second season consisting of 13 episodes. Funimation Entertainment has licensed the series. A video game titled Girls Bravo Romance 15's was released for PlayStation 2 in 2005. The series has received mixed reviews, with praise for its comedy and criticism for its harem elements and fan service.